scribner bend vineyards sacramento engagement by adrienne and dani photography

It was a hot summer day when Lisandra and Eugene arrived at Scribner Bend Vineyards for their engagement session. The temperature was well over 100 degrees, and the heat was palpable as we walked through the rows of grapevines. Despite the heat, they were excited to capture this special moment in their lives and were determined to make the most of their time for their Scribner Bend Vineyards Sacramento Engagement photos.

As they strolled through the vineyard, Lisandra and Eugene took in the breathtaking views of the Sacramento River and the fields of grapevines. They stopped to pose for some photos, with the lush green vines and rows of ripe grapes serving as the perfect backdrop.

As the session went on, the couple’s dog Chalulah joined them for some photos. Chalulah was a beloved member of the family and the couple was thrilled to include her in the session. Chalulah happily posed for the camera, wagging her tail and bringing a sense of joy and playfulness to the photos.

Despite the scorching heat, the couple remained in good spirits throughout the session. They laughed, smiled, and enjoyed each other’s company as they posed for photos. As the sun began to set, we wrapped up the session, grateful for the opportunity to capture this special moment in such a beautiful location. They left the vineyard with a sense of joy and excitement, looking forward to the next chapter of their lives together.

Scribner Bend Vineyards Sacramento Engagement

Scribner Bend Vineyards is the perfect slice of California Wine Country, but right in our backyard! Located just under 20 minutes from Downtown Sacramento, it’s the perfect location for your engagement session, wedding day, or to just stop by for some weekend wine tasting.

Sacramento Wedding Photographers

We’re Adrienne & Dani. And we’re the team of besties and wedding photographers behind Adrienne and Dani Photography. We’ve been so lucky to get to love and serve the best couples as their Northern California wedding photographers. And we’d love the chance to serve you! Click here to get in touch with us about your wedding date and be sure to follow along for more joy with us on Instagram.

Scribner Bend Vineyards Sacramento Engagement Session | Lisandra & Eugene


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