Sacramento Newborn Portraits by Adrienne and Dani

Our hearts are so full of joy to be able to share this post today! We can’t believe it’s been over 5 years since we met Brittany & Jon and now we’re sharing photos of their first child! We couldn’t be happier for them and their whole family. I may start crying (again!) so let’s get on to the good stuff!

About 3 weeks ago, Brittany emailed us to let us know that little Logan would be making his debut two and a half weeks earlier than his due date! We were so excited for Brittany & Jon and we eagerly awaited the news of his arrival. We all know that moms are basically superheroes in disguise but it’s still so amazing to us that Brittany was in labor for almost 2 days! A struggle, but definitely worth it! Baby Logan was born in the early hours of the morning and even though he was two and a half weeks early, he weighed 8 pounds 6 oz! He was ready to make his debut to the world!

The second we saw Brittany’s next email, we opened it and y’all… we legit cried! Borderline ugly tears! She had sent us a picture of him all bundled in his blankie and we were just overcome with joy for the new parents and their family! Not to mention ridiculously proud of them for making it through such a long labor! We couldn’t be more elated to share in this special time for this incredible couple.

Sacramento Newborn Portraits by Adrienne and Dani Sacramento Newborn Portraits by Adrienne and Dani Sacramento Newborn Portraits by Adrienne and Dani Sacramento Newborn Portraits by Adrienne and Dani Sacramento Newborn Portraits by Adrienne and Dani Sacramento Newborn Portraits by Adrienne and Dani Sacramento Newborn Portraits by Adrienne and Dani Sacramento Newborn Portraits by Adrienne and Dani Sacramento Newborn Portraits by Adrienne and Dani Sacramento Newborn Portraits by Adrienne and DaniSacramento Newborn Portraits by Adrienne and DaniSacramento Newborn Portraits by Adrienne and Dani Sacramento Newborn Portraits by Adrienne and Dani Sacramento Newborn Portraits by Adrienne and Dani Sacramento Newborn Portraits by Adrienne and Dani Sacramento Newborn Portraits by Adrienne and Dani Sacramento Newborn Portraits by Adrienne and Dani Sacramento Newborn Portraits by Adrienne and Dani Sacramento Newborn Portraits by Adrienne and Dani

Baby Logan | Sacramento Newborn Portraits


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